Sunday, May 31, 2015

Apoctopia© Preview Of Miniatures Concept Art

Well I will keep adding more for those that are interested in the miniatures side of this project,
but off I go when I have the time, to my drawing tablet, and have even drawn some inspiration from previous artwork of mine, From within the pages.
the first is called the Garbage Seal this Hulking crossbreed of genetic might, would be around the size of a large couch and horrific force heavy weight , they are solo nomads of the outskirts of Apoctopia©  and were created intelligent with a genetic knack for survival, but don't be fooled they can be friend or foe to any that wander the Outskirts,
More information will be within the Apoctopia© Source book once released.
The next in the lineup of Outskirts dwellers of Apoctopia© are only known as "the Sanitation", a large band of Hunters, which most Outskirt scabs like to just call "Hunters",  the true number of how many Hunters have chosen to live for a number of generations in the forgotten underground bunkers of the Blockhouse wars is still unknown, but one thing is known for sure about them, they like human flesh, Cannibals from birth and no one knows if the first of their kind was lab made or mother birthed, no one ever see's their face till it is to late and the helpless victims are a meal in the end. they keep the true facial origin hidden underneath mask at all times, well until they eat.
                                                                     Next month
Apoctopia© Source book landscape concept art and more miniatures concept art from me  Crom131,
 I have been known for my well sold Strange adult fantasy cg content and one of the many merchants for one of the best adult art communitys known world wide as Renderotica , that has Given adult CG artist  grand adult Content for quite some years now, I am as well a freelance concept designer on my down time, This is Crom131 for the game Apoctopia© rpg table top war game Out for this month till next.
And if any of you want to get in on the vile act's cards that will be within the game you can submit an idea to the Renderotica thread post
Only ten will be chosen for admittance within the game, the ones Selected that will make the cut, will Receive a  Apoctopia© Source book PDF once the entire Project is Done, and I will say this It's far from Over.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Apoctopia © Project :RPG Table Top Boardgame By crom131

                              Brief History about Myself and this the Apoctopia © project
 I have been working on this indie war game table top board game RPG for over a year and a half now, but in fact I cannot for the life of me pinpoint that it has been longer than that, that I had came up with the concept idea for it, but from what I can remember at the time of its early stages of conception it was just a homemade RPG that me and some school friends would make up as we went along and played with four stones and a strange set of rules to read the stones to pass the time in a high school lunch room at a time of innocence that could be called my youth, but unconsciously the eyes of me and my boyhood friends were very wide open, and innocence was lost , the world we grew up in was like a bad apocalyptic movie that came to life, film crews of low budget indie companies would film in my neck of the woods in the 70's and all the way up till 1985 we would find film crews  lurking in back alleys and behind abandoned building lots to shoot images of the non-talked about the american dirty little secret known as the Bronx, and before it came out on film before the post-apocalyptic genre craze, we had, "I Had" post-apocalyptic gangs that walked my homegrown streets and it was real not a {1990: The Bronx Warriors film}, Fort Apache was real and taken from real life accounts, I would know I was there, look at the film the Warriors it was a known one and a pop culture smash, but back then it was real, and gangs had the turf and would Molotov, chain, baseball bat, stab, or even machete anyone that stepped into the wrong section of the neighborhood .

 I grew up in the “Fort  Apache” section of the South Bronx  in New York City 1970's at that time that the Bronx  looked like it was a third world Country, and you can look it up it's a historical fact two well known presidents came to visit the Bronx back then, with its garbage lots for miles to see and deteriorated and abandoned buildings that were all mostly destroyed by arson, Ronald Reagan & Jimmy Carter  both had declared the Bronx a disaster zone both said they would rebuild but never did that was for others to do and that is another story for another time. 
Now I am happy during that time of youth that was well spent and the process of rethinking several game mechanics here and algorithm play mechanisms there, all has been a hell unto itself and there was so much to get right and learn, when I started this project a year and a half ago all was new,
but so that all the playability can be easy yet entertaining and strategically engaging and over all fun for one player, five, or even a seven players skirmish fight fest, as well as adapting rules for adult and a separate kid friendly game, and still make the mechanics of play stay the same yet cleaner for kids to join play was a challenge but I did it, now if 12 year old Timmy wants to play with dad "Joi" he can,
and I am happy to say I am nearing completion of this fun opus and I hope I should be ready to go to the grand crowd funding World around October 2015
Halloween time and with over 100 hours of play testing keeping fingers crossed and getting the right manufactures as well so as not to be railroaded on shipping fees , time delays and customs inspections, over all design, game rules, 3D Figures to resin minis, Board, tokens, Stat cards, play cards and dice are done and ready to be shipped to prototyping for more fun play to get an overall demographic of game likability. The wild thing is when I started this over a year and a half ago all the things I thought I understood board games and RPG had changed for the better and new concepts in gameplay have changed the board and RPG game world and made the making of my project less of a chore and more of an engaging objective to study and research more about both, If one thinks a game can be made in under a few months by ones self Good luck, but for me it's a Grand learning experience and I am Happy I undertook it. my first prototype will be made within this coming month so that more play testing of this game will continue and any revisions or added extras can be added or fixed, best to get it rig
In the year 3021 A.D the overpopulation of the earth grew to an alarming size that no one
 was able to predict the changing governments new policies and edicts that changed the way of life for all. the new high ranking elite overseers that call themselves  the  definition  movement 
governed all. and the new divisions of  the  definition movement government from within their sector, known  only as Cross 13  and what they Elected  as law was never questioned for fear of the Vile acts that would be incurred by them from within the walls of cross 13 , no one ever came out normal and all on our planet would psychologically fall and deviate into something that human morality would not be able to cope with or conceive, the forms that these new genetically created god overseers and self made tyrants would de- evolve into  was something that was unimaginable and a Abomination to the Human form,  due to the abuse of DNA Stem altering drugs the overseers had obtained from the 
maniacal power brokers within the city and abroad , the power brokers with their life quest of seeking only lust and power had a level of control ,but with each new power broker that would rise, another would fall and a new one would  change edicts of law for 
their own  benefits of want, for a large grouping of the lower class of the earths population that lived within sector 13 martial law was the way of life, and in all this madness the lower class was forced to change their ways by the means of the  G.R.A.D 
a  Project that The worldwide global funded Gene Re-education Administrative Department forced each human to take ...... but understand the G.R.A.D was no test, it was the change for the better, 
or  so the overseers thought it was.
                                                               Game Overview
Apoctopia © is a  Tabletop RPG War game Board game that begins and takes place in the center of a barren wasteland, you will have a choice of a number of character classes in witch to choose from  you play alone one player solo or others that can work with you or for you, up to seven players can try to obtain as much salvage that can be carried to recreate a peaceful utopia within the lost world gone mad, fighting or undermining by insidious activity or imperceptible actions a slew of hardened and smart slavers, hunters, infected, mutants, droids, extra-dimensional beings etc. with unknown actions taking place by the A.I. of the games decks who knows what could happen, you can trade, sell, fight, or use vile acts to gain the power you need to make Apoctopia © yours.
More Images to Come soon..

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